Monday, November 17, 2008

A funny thing happened on the way to bed

So, for about, oh, 19 months now we've been giving this kid milk right before he goes to bed. That's the end of the routine. Bath -- pajamas -- milk. It's all we know. Tonight he threw us for a loop. I sat down to give him his milk and he said "No milk. Sleep. Bed." I tried again to give him his milk. "No milk. Sleep. Bed." Okay, he must be serious. I let him down off the couch and he walked right to his crib and waited for me to lift him in.


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Halloween costume --- revisited

This morning when Jack saw me hanging up his turtle costume, he started pointing at it and yelling "TURTLE HALLOWEEN, TURTLE HALLOWEEN!" I put it in the closet, but he took my hand and led me back to it. He jumped up and down and pointed to it until I got it out for him. I thought he just wanted to play with it, but it turns out he wanted to put it on again --- turtle shoes, turtle hat, and all.

So he spent the morning playing in his turtle costume. :)

At last, a tear-free haircut!

On Sunday we decided to try our luck with another professional haircut. We'd struck out twice before, and resorted to "haircut by mommy". I'll say that I did an okay job, but my dad said that his bangs were so short that he looked like a Roman warrior. Oh well. So with a trip to Cleveland and holiday photos in our future, we decided to try once again. But this time we went with a plan.

Chris was also in need of a haircut, so he opted to get his done at the kiddie place where we take Jack. We figured we might fare a little better if Jack observed Chris and then did it himself. And it worked! Jack watched Chris with rapt attention, even attempting to move the stylist when she obstructed his view of Chris. When it was Jack's turn, Chris held Jack in his lap, we popped in an Elmo DVD, and the stylist started trimming. He got a little antsy when she went around the ears, but overall he did a great job --- much improved, anyway, from the screamfests we'd experienced before. He even let her use the trimmers on his neck and over his ears. Woo hoo!