Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
On a walk around the block last week, Jack pointed to a yard sign and started yelling "Obama, Obama, Obama." The guy in the house soon came out and thought it was the funniest thing. "Is that his first word?" he asked. :)
Then when we were in eyeshot of our house and our yard sign, he took off sprinting toward it shouting "OBAMA" yet again.
Let's hope the kid gets his wish next Tuesday.
18-month checkup
Jack's almost 19 months now, but we just had his 18-month checkup. For the record, he's 31.5 pounds and about 33.5 inches tall. He generally HATES his checkups and it is quite an ordeal to get through them. He screams and kicks while the nurse attempts to get his height and weight measurements...and then continues to scream throughout the doctor's visit. A few weeks ago I bought him a toy doctor kit with the hope that playing with it would help him get more comfortable with someone looking in his ears and listening to his heart. It seemed to have some effect (he was okay with her using the stethoscope), but as soon as she wanted to look in his ears, the screaming started.
Oh well. Our next appointment is at 2 years --- let's hope he gets over this!
Oh well. Our next appointment is at 2 years --- let's hope he gets over this!
Friday, October 17, 2008
First three-word combo
Today Jack put together his first three-word combo:
"Mommy go walk."
And when I did not immediately oblige,
"Daddy go walk."
"Mommy go walk."
And when I did not immediately oblige,
"Daddy go walk."
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Great Escape
Today Jack successfully climbed out of his crib. He'd decided he just didn't need to take a nap! I was in the living room and heard a loud thump. I figured he'd jumped up and landed hard in his crib. As I walked to the door to go check out the situation, I saw the doorknob turning from the other side!! He wasn't crying or hurt. I had no idea how he managed to get out without hurting himself (I have since witnessed the feat and it is quite impressive).
Well, now what do I do? Toddler bed? Twin bed? How do I get him to stay in his bed if we do get a regular bed for him?
Well, since all this happened we seemed to have worked out his sleep issues and he's not protesting anymore. But I can see that we are soon going to have to move him out of his crib.
Well, now what do I do? Toddler bed? Twin bed? How do I get him to stay in his bed if we do get a regular bed for him?
Well, since all this happened we seemed to have worked out his sleep issues and he's not protesting anymore. But I can see that we are soon going to have to move him out of his crib.