Sunday, August 10, 2008

"You should really write this stuff down"

This has long been my mother's mantra. She used to say this to me every time I told a funny or interesting story. I now know very well that you should ALWAYS listen to your mother. Over the years I've had bold ambitions of keeping a journal, but somehow writing things down has always gotten lost in the shuffle of life. But now that Jack is a part of our lives, I'm feeling the need to be a record keeper of sorts. I want to recall the funny stories and all of the absolutely amazing and wonderful things that he's doing. I want him to know that I was scared at first but now I cannot imagine life without him. I want him to know that makes me laugh every day and he continually amazes me with his accomplishments and understanding of the world around him. So this is for Jack and Chris and me so that we don't forget the small stories that make up everyday life. It's for our friends and family too, of course.

I'm not going to promise to write every week or every month...I'm just going to promise to write.


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